Importance of Karanvedha Muhurat

In Hinduism, an auspicious event is performed after a child's birth; called “Karnavedha” after taking advice from an experienced astrologer. They have sure signs that can help us in the future. After 28 days or after more than two months, this event takes place. Karan, as we know, means Ear, and Vedha means pierced; ear piercing changes one personality by adding colours to them.

It's believed that getting an ear pierced brings peace, and one gets rid of all evil spirits in the future. The procedure is simple: make a hole in the Ear and put a bead majorly made of gold inside it. It is also known as Shodasha Samskaras in Sanskrit, which means piercing the lower Ear of a child. It is also known as kathukuthu in english

Significance of Ear piercing in Hinduism

This is one of the auspicious events that takes place after some time with medical and spiritual significance. It cleanses and brings purity to the brain. Also, it gives way to sacred sound; it brings one near spirituality and frees people from all types of powers that can cause harm to one. Indian ear piercing carries a lot of significance like it brings balance to planets which can prevent many problems in the future. It is also done to enhance the beauty of girls. They are believed to be lucky in the future for their partner. For a girl child, the first Ear is the left Ear; for a male, the first Ear is the suitable Ear, to get pierced. These traditions carry some beliefs on which everyone relies, which helps one to know more about their rituals. This is better for the child's betterment, reminding them of how important it is to perform these rituals when they grow up. They instil spirituality in them.

Benefits of Ear piercing Ceremony

It is believed that ear piercing prevents ear problems like deafness and other ear problems; it improves emotional and physical health. One should perform this ceremony at the right age because this confirms a child's participation in all types of practices and ensures proper brain development. It also maintains an excellent menstrual cycle. The energy flow remains a positive environment. It also helps contain constant chatter, a process which ensures that all the negative energies are released, and a person remains calmer and happier.

When to perform karnavedha Muhurat 2023?

Karnavedha is an actual ceremony out of 16 Samskaras; it is done after the Sankaran of the child, and it is advised to do it at a specific time that can help one. If this ceremony isn't performed at the given time, then parents can perform this anywhere between the age of 3-6 years. Piercing for girls holds as much significance as a nose piercing. There are different ways in which people perform this ceremony, While Brahmins and vaishyas perform it with silver needles, and Shudras do it with an iron needle. It differs from community to community. The main agenda is to serve on a specified date and time, which decreases the chances of getting doshas in the future. It is believed that earrings regulate electric current within the body. Indian physicians believe that piercing ears and earrings are considered part of the intellect, the thinking faculties, and the power of making decisions also increases.

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Karanvedha Sanskar

Karnavedha should be performed on a specific date, day, and month when the planet Jupiter is available in Taurus, libra, and Pisces. That period is considered auspicious. Hindu months like Chaitra, Kartik, plush, and Phalguna are considered auspicious for this ceremony. They should not perform it, during any eclipses. It can be performed on Chaturthi, Navmi, and Amavasya. The most favourable days are Thursday, Monday, and Saturday.

In addition, you can chat with an astrologer from InstaAstro.

Karnavedha in January 2023

January 1, 202307:55-08:32, 10:34-14:42
January 7, 202307:56-11:18, 12:59-18:11
January 8, 202308:25-12:39, 14:34-18:25
January 14, 202307:56-09:23, 11:11-15:46
January 15, 202307:56-11:07, 12:32-18:17
January 18, 202307:56-12:01, 13:55-17:45
January 22, 202307:55-08:52, 10:39-15:15
January 23, 202307:54-08:48, 10:35-17:26
January 27, 202307:53-11:24, 13:20-19:16
January 28, 202308:48-09:56

Karnavedha in February 2023

February 1, 202314:50-16.30
February 3, 202307:50-09:40, 11:10-16:40
February 5, 202312:40-14:10
February 10, 202309:30-14:00, 16:30-18:30
February 11, 202309:15-16:20
February 24, 202307:30-11:10, 13:25-19:10

Karnavedha in March 2023

March 9, 202307:38-12:14, 14:49-19:06
March 10, 202307:34-10:15
March 13, 202310:23-16:33
March 18, 202307:09-11:39, 14:13-18:31
March 19, 202307:08-11:35, 16:30-18:27
March 23, 202307:03-07:48, 09:43-18:11
March 24, 202307:02-09:20, 11:35-15:50
March 31, 202309:12-15:23, 17:59-19:56

Karnavedha in April 2023

April 6, 202307:10-10:30, 12:55-19:40
April 7, 202307:10-12:40
April 10, 202310:30-14:45
April 15, 202310:30-14:45
April 24, 202311:50-18:30
April 26, 202307:30-11:20, 14:00-18:10
April 27, 202307:40-13:30
April 28, 202307:20-11:10

Karnavedha in May 2023

May 3, 202307:00-08:40, 11:10-17:50
May 7, 202306:40-13:00, 15:30-19:50
May 12, 202306:30-08:00, 0:30-17:10
May 17, 202306:10-14:30, 17:10-19:10
May 21, 202310:00-16:40
May 12, 202307:40-09:40
May 24, 202307:30-12:10, 14:20-18:50
May 25, 202307:30-11:50, 14:20-18:20

KarnaVedha in June 2023

June 8, 202308:50-15:30, 18:00-19:20
June 9, 202306:40-08:30, 11:00-17:40
June 12, 202315:30-19:50
June 14, 202306:10-12:50
June 18, 202312:50-17:10
June 21, 202306:00-10:00, 12:30-17:10
June 26, 202316:50-19:00
June 28, 202309:50-16:30

Karnavedha in July 2023

July 1, 202307:20-09:20, 11:50-16:20
July 5, 202307:00-13:40, 16:20-18:20
July 5, 202306:40-08:50, 11:20-18:00
July 15, 202306:20-15:20, 17:50-19:50

Karanvedha in August 2023

August 21, 202306:30-10:40, 13:10-19:00
August 24, 202317:20-18:50

Karnavedha in September 2023

September 4, 202310.00-12:00
September 7, 202312.00 -17.50
September 10, 202307:15-14:00, 16:07-19:00
September 11, 202307:15-13:50, 16:15-19:00
September 16, 202311:25-1730
September 17, 202306:50-08:50, 11:25-17:10
September 18, 202306:45-11:00
September 20, 202317:20-18:30
September 21, 202306:50-13:30, 15:30-17:00
September 25, 202313:12-16:50

Karnavedha in October 2023

October 15, 202307:10-09:20, 11:50-16:50
October 28, 202316:10-19:00

Karnavedha in November 2023

November 3, 202307:10-08:10, 10:40-15:40
November 4, 202312:40-17:00
November 5, 202307:10-10:20
November 10, 202307:50-13:40, 15:20-18:10
November 11, 202307:50-15:10
November 19, 202307:20-13:10, 14:50-18:50
November 20, 202317:40-19:30
November 24, 202307:30-09:00, 11:20-15:40
November 25, 202307:30-11:00, 13:00-15:40
November 29, 202308:50-14:00

KarnaVedha in December 2023

December 1, 202317:00-19:00
December 2, 202307:30-08:30, 10:50-15:10
December 7, 202307:40-12:00, 13:40-18:20
December 8, 202307:40-11:50, 13:30-18:20
December 9, 202308:20-12:10
December 17, 202307:40-11:20, 13:00-19:50
December 21, 202311:20-13:50, 15:40-19:40
December 22, 202307:50-09:20, 11:10-15:20
December 28, 202307:50-12:20, 13:40-19:20
December 29, 202309:00-13:40, 15:10-18:40

Relatives give a token of money or some gold items as a gift for ear piercing ceremony; this ceremony is for the fate of a child. The ear boring ceremony is regarded as the best and is done for both genders to make things okay.


Earring ceremony is one of the important ceremonies, as we know a lot about its benefits and why it is necessary when it should be performed. One must realise the importance and do that ceremony timely. It cleanses our minds, and we know its significance after the child gets into its complete form. It is believed that people can listen to sacred sounds and have a clear mind, and the child realises their own. Religion. The ear piercing ceremony is done mainly for girls, and then any gold earring or earring is told to be worn. The most auspicious days are Monday and Thursday.

Ear piercing may not just enhance beauty but also heals the impairment and may cause other diseases to disappear.

Frequently Asked Questions

The best age for an ear piercing ceremony is two months to 3 years old.
Yes, this ceremony is also beneficial for boys, as it helps develop the mind.
The family heads book a different place and call their close relatives, and they perform this ceremony at the set time and in the observation of yogis.
We celebrate this by making the child sit under the sun and let the sun's light affirm his vibrations.
It is called the karnavedha ceremony, and it's essential to do this when the child is small because it helps in the child's development.
After the 28 days of birth, one can get their Ear pierced as they are considered auspicious.
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